On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 07:38:42PM +0200, cobaco wrote:
> On 2003-08-31 01:38, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > There continue to be problems with this file:
> > 1) lines like this:
> > " zijn indien deze verschillende X-servers beheren; om dit te bereiken
> > dient u"" elke beeldscherm-beheerder in te stellen, en hun init-scripts in"
> :O, forgot to save the corrected msgstr's, fixed now

Okay, thanks.

> > 2) Please don't use the term "X-Windows", even in translations:
> > msgstr "Opdat het grafische systeem (X-Windows) juist zou functioneren
> > dient"
> Changed to X Window System

Cool, thanks.

> > 3) The line breaks are in weird places.  Most .po files do not change
> >    the English parts of the message catalogs at all.
> this, like 1), is an artifact of me converting the .po file from a 
> each-msg-on-a-single-line to lines <80 using regexes (I didn't want to 
> copy-paste all 153 messages), msgmerge doesn't notice any difference though, 
> so it's purely cosmetic.

Well, diff can see the difference in the English strings.

> > Can you perhaps find out from other Debian l10n specialists what a good
> > tool is?
> heh, poedit was recommended to me by someone who has done a considerable 
> amount of translation work (also judging from the fact that you're first 
> person to complain this is rarely a problem). Anyhow I'll use kbabel in the 
> future untill poedit gets fixed (a bugreport has been filed).

Well, all the existing .po files wrap at 79 columns except for de.po,
which wraps at 80.

Not really sure why poedit behaved so weirdly for you.

G. Branden Robinson                |      Intellectual property is neither
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      intellectual nor property.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      Discuss.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |      -- Linda Richman

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