On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 12:18:48AM -0400, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
> I have to agree with the submitted of this bug. In fact, I came to the
> BTS to see if anyone else had reported this "new" annoying behavior,
> so I am glad I am not the only one annoyed by this.

Not much I can do it about it.  People were annoyed by the old behavior

> There used to be an question in debconf that said something like "do
> you want to handle your XF86Config-4 via debconf? (Yes or No)".

Yup, those are gone, considered a bad idea by the Debian Developers.


...and read the entire thread.

Also see:


(If you had apt-listchanges installed, you'd already have seen the
former file.)

> That question seems to be gone, and now the maintainer scripts try to
> manage your configuration for you, regardless of the administrator's
> preference.


Please read:


> In addition, when debconf (dexconf?) is asking all those questions
> about your X configuration (video card, video memory, mouse type,
> modules to load, monitor info., etc.) there's no way to cancel.

There is if your debconf frontend support it.  I don't think the dialog
frontend does.

> I have a working XF86Config-4, and don't want anyone messing with it,
> nor do I want to be asked a lot of configuration questions about
> something that works. If I get asked the questions I'd like to have
> the option to skip to the end. I was just hitting <Enter> in all this
> questions. I am glad my XF86Config was not overwritten.

Please read:


> One final comment: on another machine, when I upgraded yesterday the X
> packages, my XF86Config-4 got overwritten. The old one was saved with
> a .old (or something like that) extension. The new XF86Config-4 file
> was similar, and I noticed it was automatic generated. Seems like it
> did hardware auto-detection. I didn't appreciate the maintainer scripts
> overwritten my XF86Config-4 with a guess configuration and without
> telling me anything.

It was ".dpkg-old".

Please read:


> Just wanted to offer my experiences with upgrades to the latest
> versions of the X packages. Hope this helps.

Please read:


G. Branden Robinson                |       Yesterday upon the stair,
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       I met a man who wasn't there.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       He wasn't there again today,
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |       I think he's from the CIA.

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