On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 12:22:47PM +0200, Frank Murphy wrote:
> I saw that this bug had been marked fixed, so I went to try it out, but it 
> seemed not to be fixed. So I checked out the new scripts and the manpages, 
> and I think maybe it was my confusion about what was supposed to happen.
> It seems that if a program is specified as the startup program, no user 
> xsession will be run. Is that correct?

That's exactly correct.  You can't exec both the user's X session script
and something else.  Exec is a land of no return.

> If so, I'd like to suggest a change to the Xsession manpage. Instead of this 
> text:
> 3) Determine startup program.  The X client to launch as  the  control-
>        ling  process  (the one that, upon exiting, causes the X server to exit
>        as well) is determined next.   If  the  line  "allow-user-xsession"  is
>        present in Xsession.options, a user-specified session program or script
>        is used.  If a program or failsafe argument was given  and  is  allowed
>        (see  above),  it is used instead.
> Use something like this:
> 3) Determine startup program.  The X client to launch as  the  control-
>        ling  process  (the one that, upon exiting, causes the X server to exit
>        as well) is determined next.  If a program or failsafe argument was
>        given  and  is  allowed (see  above),  it is used. Otherwise, if  the
>        line  "allow-user-xsession"  is present in Xsession.options, a
>        user-specified session program or script is used.

These two paragraphs mean the same thing, though I agree that you have
changed the emphasis.

G. Branden Robinson                |       The last Christian died on the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       cross.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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