On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 01:17:51PM +0200, Debian User wrote: > See subject. When it asks me to stop the running xdm, I confirm with y. > Though, it does not kill it and hangs. ps aufwx on another console shows > me no idling child process of prerm, so I assume that this is kinda > debconf bug, not allowing the script to read keyboard input.
I get this prompt all the time when testing my own XFree86 packages and have never seen this behavior. Can you reproduce this? Can you tell me more about the circumstances? What are you using to upgrade the system? "apt-get upgrade", aptitude, something else? I don't think debconf is intercepting anything, because the confmodule isn't sourced by the prerm script. This will be changing in 4.2.1-4. I've already debconfed this question, which was the last non-debconfed interactive thing in the XFree86 maintainer scripts. So, either way, I'll probably be closing this bug without "actually" fixing it. -- G. Branden Robinson | Debian GNU/Linux | Ab abusu ad usum non valet [EMAIL PROTECTED] | consequentia. http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |
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