On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 09:58:14PM +0200, Beat Bolli wrote:
> Well, the question is if Debian has the GNU hostname command. Since the grep
> doesn't match, I deduced that I don't have GNU hostname, based on the
> assumption that the person who coded this knew that GNU hostname would
> output its version string on stdout...

I prefer John's patch.  Consolidate stdout and stderr and grep them

* if it's a GNU program, "GNU" is bound to show up somewhere
* no chance of grep blocking to wait for input unless hostname itself hangs
* GNU can change its mind about where to send the version string and the
  code still works

G. Branden Robinson                |     "Why do we have to hide from the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      police, Daddy?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     "Because we use vi, son.  They use
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |      emacs."

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