Folks might want to wait for 4.1.0-4. I'm preparing it now.
Several bugs have already been filed; no one needs to add to them. The
problem is understood, and the fix has been written and tested.
If you already have 4.1.0-3 installed successfully, there is nothing to
worry about.
Data points:
* the problem is in the preinst and postinst scripts of several of the
packages, including ones that almost everyone has installed
* if your /bin/sh is ash, you will likely have this problem
* if your filesystem is screwed up so that my check_symlinks_and_bomb()
shell function needs to call analyze_path(), you will have this
problem no matter what your shell script interpreter is
I apologize for the screwup. My own system met neither of the above
criteria, so I did not detect the problem when testing my packages.
Here's the changelog entry, for the morbidly curious:
* debian/
- fix grievous typo in analyze_path (Closes: #110630)
- also made analyze_path() more helpful (thanks, Andrew Suffield)
G. Branden Robinson | America is at that awkward stage.
Debian GNU/Linux | It's too late to work within the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | system, but too early to shoot the | bastards. -- Claire Wolfe
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