After much prodding and poking I have it down to three issues, the
naming scheme is as follows, with the issues below.

xlibmesa3-dri contains libGL, libGLU, and libGLw, it also contains

xlibmesa-dri-dev contains the devel files for xlibmesa3-dri.

xlibosmesa3-dri contains libOSMesa.

xlibosmesa-dri-dev contains the devel files for xlibosmesa3-dri.

xserver-dri contains usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86.dri and more contents for

This scheme removes all need for diversions, leaving with exactly three
issues before I can produce .debs for people to test.

1: I'd really like Branden to agree to the naming scheme.

2: Until Branden packages 4.0.3 or later I need to provide the
XFree86.dri, and need to figure out the proper way to set
/etc/X11/Xserver XFree86.dri.
(Branden, can you point this out please? It should be simple.)

3: The XF86Config-4 needs to have two lines[1] added so X will search
the modules.dri directory then the modules directory, I'll probably
leave this up to the user for now.

As soon as those three have been addressed I'll put .debs up somewhere
aptable for people to test.

Zephaniah E. Hull.

ModulePath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules.dri"
ModulePath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"

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<Upholder> Seen on the back of a T-Shirt: "I am a bomb technician.  If you see
           me running, try to keep up."

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