On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 02:54:35PM -0600, Gordon Sadler wrote:
> You mean to say a Voodoo2 graphics card that is sold/marketed/used as a
> 3D only chipset, can be used under X4 as a '2D' card? With no other
> VESA/VGA card available?
> If that's true that's great, I have a V2 sitting here doing nothing,
> don't play many games under Linux -). But I could use it build another
> computer that's missing a graphics card, and use gdm/xdm/kdm to boot
> straight to X4?

As I understand it, the answer to the above questions is yes.  I've never
tried it myself, though.

> If the above is true, could you provide some pointers? All the material
> I've been able to find about V2 is mostly 'how to get quake/doom/etc to
> run on your V2 card and linux'.

Probably the most straightforward thing to do is configure the
xserver-xfree86 package using the debconf interface.  Just select the
"glide" driver.

If xserver-xfree86 is already installed on such a box, just do:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

Selection of the driver module will be a high priority question.

G. Branden Robinson             |   "Why do we have to hide from the police,
Debian GNU/Linux                |   Daddy?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   "Because we use vi, son.  They use
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |   emacs."

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