On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 10:02:13AM -0600, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 10:45:52AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > If the alpha or m68k people are having compile-time problems, I haven't
> > heard a peep out of anyone about it.
> It built just fine on m68k, but it does not work. I asked other m68k people
> to try it out, but there was no response I remember, so I do not know its a
> problem only on my machine, but I think its generic.
> Remember the libpci problem? I could not start hacking a workaround, since
> it fails before that step now, when starting X, it
> breaks/crashes/you-name-it when trying to load the libbitmap module. I
> posted the error message on debian-x (for 4.0.1-something?), its still the
> same error. Even with glibc2.2, and maybe also gcc-2.95.3. I would check
> again with 4.0.2-2 if you release it, but I don't expect any magic
> improvements to happen. No answer from Egbert. Looks like a deadlock to me.
Hrm, well, that kinda sucks. Prod him again. Is there anybody who still
does bus-level hacking on the m68k anymore? Perhaps we can beg Geert?
> > I'd really like XFree86 4.x to go into testing. But it's not going happen
> > until these 3 architectures build it.
> I could upload the debs just to please you/get X into testing, but it might
> break lots of m68k installations. Or maybe not, perhaps noone is running
> woody/testing/unstable/you-name-it on m68k? Shall I upload those debs?
I say upload anyway. The client side should be okay. The server side
problems should be fixable if we can marshal some people to attack the
G. Branden Robinson | If you wish to strive for peace of soul,
Debian GNU/Linux | then believe; if you wish to be a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | devotee of truth, then inquire.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ | -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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