On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 08:48:48PM +0100, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> Good news everybody! I have some debs for m68k. The build failed, but this
> time to to a local configuration problem (sbuild timeout, dh_compress took
> more than 150 minutes...)

Glad to hear you've got them, sorry to hear they took so long.

> I am trying to get them installed now, so that I can test a little. Will make
> them available tomorrow (no changelog, no upload...), maybe some more people
> dare testing them (I have no idea yet if it will be working at all on m68k).

> > A prerelease of -11, based on the new upstream beta 4.0.1h, is available at
> > the X Strike Force repository.  Alpha, ARM, and m68k folks should grab
> > these sources, build, and let me know what changes need to be made to the
> > debian/*.$(ARCH) files.  The changelog summarizes what changed on i386.
> I will start the next build tonight, it takes 20..22h until I get the
> MANIFEST. Please give my amiga a little time to catch up with the rest, its
> an 060 and not an ICE..

Please wait until you see source for 10pre11v2.  There's no point wasting
your time building v1 since I'm committing some fairly important bug fixes.

> One problem I see right now, I have no libgl1?

Hrm.  I guess the Mesa build crashed?

> I have no PCI bus, I don't see PCI mentioned in the config file, is there a
> way to stop loading that?

Bummer.  This is probably an upstream bug.  Is there such a thing as an
m68k box with a PCI bus?

G. Branden Robinson             |    Never underestimate the power of human
Debian GNU/Linux                |    stupidity.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    -- Robert Heinlein
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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