On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 10:32:24AM -0800, Seth Arnold wrote:
> Sadly, the package system isn't mature enough (I don't think) to be able
> to say, "if version x.x.x of package P is installed, then install
> version y.y.y of package Q -- otherwise, install version z.z.z or
> package R".

Sigh, I suppose this means that someone (probably me, as I'm bringing it
up) should write a program to look to see what video card you have, and
spit out what packages should be installed, removed, and how they should
be configured.

Consider it added to the todo list, right after getting sst1 working
again. (Don't ask, just, don't ask)

> Well, I was hoping the Glide packages would be able to say "if you use 
> XFree86 v4, you don't need/shouldn't install this package".  If that
> is indeed the case.

I need to modify the glide2 and glide3 postinsts to be a little nicer
about that, then tempt fate by asking -devel to let me make them

(Right now, they yell loudly if you don't have a supported 3Dfx card
installed, I need to change that so it will yell very quietly if you
don't have a 3Dfx card, and yell loudly if you have a 3Dfx card it does
not know about.)
> > and compounded by Debian's ability to have practically everything
> > available installed at once.
> Yes.  Shouldn't it be possible for Debian (or each of the
> stable/unstable branches, at least) to standardize on a 3D
> infrastructure?  At least Woody ought, IMHO, to go towards adoption of 
> XFree/DRI, and warn against obsolescent packages that clutter up
> things. 

But in many cases the 'obsolescent packages that clutter up things' are
they ONLY way for the user to use 3D.
> > It is even more complex with 3dfx cards. (Zephaniah will attest to this
> > in a heartbeat I think. :)
> I can't make mine work in Windows either, if that's a consolation.

For a V2 you want libglide2, mesag3-glide2, and the dev3dfx kernel
module, for a V4/V5 you want libglide3, xlibmesa3, X4, the kernel DRM
module, and X4 using the DRI module.

For a V3, you can use either, but not both. (Note, the V2 config works
fine with X4, no worries there)

> > You will also need the 3dfx kernel module
> There's source in Debian, too, for that matter.

Which even works for both 2.2 and 2.4 kernels.

Zephaniah E. Hull.
> Thanks,
> -kzm
> -- 
> If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 
> ``Oh Lord; Ooh you are so big; So absolutely huge; Gosh we're all
> really impressed down here, I can tell you.''

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<Mercury> Be warned, I have a keyboard I can use to beat luser's heads
          in, and then continue to use... (=:]
<Deek> Mercury: Oh, an IBM. :)

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