----- Forwarded message from Gabriele Stilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
From: Gabriele Stilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XFree 4.0.1 debian packages
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:08:44 +0200 (CEST)
Good morning.
I am a Debian Italian user, who just installed potato on his PC. In an
Italian Linux newsgroup, I've been addressed to your directory where the
XFree 4.0.1 packages for woody are stored (btw, I hope that was not a
'secret' or 'reserved' directory, though I know it's just for developing
purposes). I have a TNT2 Nvidia Riva video board, and I need 4.0.1 to run
the recent Detonator drivers for this. I'd like to ask you, if it's not of
too much disturb:
* May I install those packages (with all the caution and such) also on my
potato, or I'll run into unrecoverable problems?
* In case that I can, which packages do I actually need?
* In case that I can't, could I install 4.0.1 from another source (such as
the original .tar.gz)?
I apologize in advance if I've been annoying to you, and I thank you for
any help you will give me.
Best regards,
Gabriele Stilli
LightKnight's Home Page: http://www-studenti.dm.unipi.it/~stilli/
It's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland, either.
-- Kevin White, Mayor of Boston
----- End forwarded message -----
G. Branden Robinson | I just wanted to see what it looked like
Debian GNU/Linux | in a spotlight.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Jim Morrison
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |
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