I don't even know where to begin with this person...
----- Forwarded message from Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
From: Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XFree 4.0 on Potato
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 11:09:34 +0200
Message-ID: <20001023110934.A15314@ctv>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.0.1i
X-Operating-System: Linux akela 2.2.17
Hello Branden, my name is Javier Viñuales and I'm the head of a software and
documentation project called "Proyecto La Espiral". We are making a set of
packages to update and extend the capabilities of Debian GNU/'Kernel' 'Stable
Version' (today only Linux kernel has a CD La Espiral made but we are
working on HURD... stable version?, well, you know, isn't it? :-)).
Meny people had asked us for a XFree 4.0 distribution to install on Debian
GNU/Linux 2.2 but we don't know if this is very difficult or not because the
dependences of another packages which are in Woody but aren't in Potato, is
all right?.
We'll thank any help from you.
PS: Sorry, my english is horrible :-??
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webs: http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu Personal
PGP public key: http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey
----- End forwarded message -----
G. Branden Robinson | You don't just decide to break Kubrick's
Debian GNU/Linux | code of silence and then get drawn away
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | from it to a discussion about cough
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ | medicine.
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