On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 10:44:28PM -0400, Gábor Lipták wrote:
> I tried to run xserver-common 4.0.1-0phase2v17 against my video card (which is
> currently running under xserver-3dlabs), but it never goes into graphics
> mode.
> As per the xfree86 page, http://xfree86.org/4.0.1/Status3.html#3:
> 4.0.1:
>      Support (including acceleration) for Permedia, Permedia 2, 2v (and 2a??)
> GLINT 500TX, GLINT MX, GLINT Gamma, and Glint Delta
>      coproc. Support is provided by the "glint" driver.
> Is this above glint driver enabled in the build?

Yes, however the driver is still being worked on.  A ton of new glint code
was just committed to XFree86 CVS by Sven Luther, and this code (if it
compiles) will show up in v19.  Consider trying that when I release it in
the next day or so.

OTOH, since it's Sven Luther code, it may not help you at all, or even make
things worse.  >:-)

In the meantime, please tell us exactly which Permedia card you are using.
Get it from /var/log/XFree86.0.log and/or show us the appropriate line from

G. Branden Robinson             |
Debian GNU/Linux                |    Please do not look directly into laser
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    with remaining eye.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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