Hi Marc,
thanks for the fast reply.
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 06:52:48PM -0700, Marc Martinez wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 03:06:17AM +0200, Florian Friesdorf wrote:
> > I have a Geforce256 card and I am using the nvidia drivers 0.9-5.
> > nvidia provides several libs/modules which conflict with the debian
> > package ones.
> > libglx.a.distrib # local diversion
> this diversion can be avoided by specifying the full path to the libglx.so
> in the configuration file.
that's good to know.
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers
> > nv_drv.o.distrib # local diversion
> > nvidia_drv.o # from nvidia
> no need for this diversion either since they are different names (you just
> use "nvidia" instead of "nv" in the config file).
I diverted nv, because of xf86cfg failing to start, because of to conflicting
> for a quick fix if you change the divert-to name to something like:
> 'distrib.libGL.so.1.2' or anything that changes the name from having 'lib'
> as the first part of the filename the dynamic linker won't load it
> automatically and you should be safe from ldconfig changing the symlink on
> you.
that's also good to know.
> > Is there a better approach of integrating the vendor supplied drivers?
> my solution was to put together all the necessary components and generate
> .deb packages for them which has 'Provides: libgl1' so that all dependencies
> are met and I don't need to go around dpkg-divert'ing everything (which was
> how I started when first testing out the drivers).
Ok, then I will have a look at the packaging manual.
Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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