----- Forwarded message from "Paul Richards (Pauldoo)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

From: "Paul Richards (Pauldoo)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: XF4 debs]
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 22:39:05 +0000
Organization: Pauldoo's Linux Box
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.4.0-test1 i586)
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Me again..  I sorted the problem with the fonts..  It was just a case of
moving the 75dpi fonts above the 100dpi fonts in the list in the
XF86Config file..  Ho hum..  The other problems still stand though:

"Paul Richards (Pauldoo)" wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I placed the lines into my sources.list file and ran a full
> 'apt-get dist-upgrade'..  The rest of my sources.list file just has the
> usual 'unstable' debian lines.  And my last 'apt-get dist-upgrade'
> wasn't that long ago.. (been on woody for a while)..
> Neway...  To get to my questions.  When it finished I found a few
> 'bugs'..  I've never used the Debian bug tracker thing, so I thought it
> would be easier to just email you.
> So the first one, with GDM:
> When I attempt to login with GDM, the script /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
> fails, causing GDM to drop back out again.  Commenting out the only line
> in that file has temporarily fixed the problem..  :p
> 2nd one, with fonts:
> The fonts all appear a lot bigger than they were before..  Yes, I'm
> running the same resolution and stuff..  They are genuinely just a lot
> bigger..  Don't suppose you know how to sort this?
> 3rd one, XF86Config man files:
> While trying to fix #2 I noticed that the man page for XF86Config is no
> longer there..  Which package has it moved into?
> That was about all that went wrong with it really..  Oh and of course
> this last one which isn't a 'bug' I suppose..  but it's got me
> confused...  I just ran 'apt-get dist-upgrade' and I did see packages go
> past that were from XF4.0.1 and they were being downloaded from the
> special XF4 site.  But I still don't have XF4..  Where has it been
> installed?  :)

Paul Richards (Pauldoo) - http://www.pauldoo.co.uk
      /V\           D E B I A N
     // \\         L  I  N  U  X
    /(   )\     >Phear the Penguin<

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G. Branden Robinson            |
Debian GNU/Linux               |     Please do not look directly into laser
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |     with remaining eye.
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |

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