Hi, 在 12/28/2024 12:40 AM, Daniel 写道:
Good day! I would like to know if you can help me. On wikipedia, anyone can download the entire site in a compressed format that can be uncompressed indexed and viewable on the fly. I am wondering if your site has that capability as well.I can resend you my original email but I thought it best to let you read the full conversation below.
As far as I know the MoinMoin Wiki software indeed does not provide a full offline download functionality. If you find this functionality important, you may want to submit a feature request at the upstream Wiki software development repo at https://github.com/moinwiki/moin . Thanks, Boyuan Yang
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: *Andrew M.A. Cater* <amaca...@einval.com <mailto:amaca...@einval.com>> Date: Fri, Dec 27, 2024, 8:11 AM Subject: Re: Query about offline viewing of this wiki To: Daniel <danielsrose...@gmail.com <mailto:danielsrose...@gmail.com>> Cc: <commun...@debian.org <mailto:commun...@debian.org>> On Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 04:17:15AM -0800, Daniel wrote: > Good day! > > I would like to know if there is a link to an xml.gz of this wiki I can > download for offline viewing. Trying to search for it tends to link me to > pages on gzip and xml files rather than pointing me to a link to download > the wiki. > Hi, The Community Team is here to make Debian a welcoming place and also to resolve occasional conflicts and disagreement within the project itself. We're also happy to resolve queries but I think this one is probablyone for the web team https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Webmaster <https:// wiki.debian.org/Teams/Webmaster>I don't think there is a compressed archive of the Debian wiki - it's changing fairly regularly but the web team should be able to advise.> Also, do you know if this wiki contains all of the information provided in> Debian docs or is there a wiki style xml.gz of this I can also download? > There is documentation for each Debian package - usually in /usr/share/ [packagename] - but there's also the Debian web site.> For reference, I am trying to download a fair amount of 'wiki' content for> offline viewing without an internet connection. > > Why wiki style? Because it takes a large pile of information and presents > it in a searchable browser based style that is easily deployable to an > entire classroom or offline community. > The Debian wiki is built on moinmoin - you may need some elements of that framework to display it well. In the hope that this is useful. With every good wish, as ever, Andrew Cater (amaca...@debian.org <mailto:amaca...@debian.org>) [For the Debian Community Team] > Thanks for your time! > > Daniel Roseman
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