On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 03:09:38PM -0700, kris wrote:
> I get error message at boot time failed to load RTL9382.img
> How do I fix this. Everything seems to work.
Hi Kris,

This is a user-level query - maybe follow up to the debian-user mailing list
rather than to debian-project which can potentially go to a much wider 

I'm having difficulty finding that one - RTL are normally Realtek drivers
I think, and those are generally either WiFi (most common) or Ethernet
drives. It's quite common for an Ethernet chipset to "just work" on hte
generic drivers and not to require a specific Realtek driver.

If you are on Debian 11 - you might want to look at what non-free drivers
you are including and perhaps install firmware-realtek (but see below).

If it's all working - don't worry. If you could check the exact error
message, that might help us narrow it down a litte further.

With every good wish, as ever 

Andy Cater

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