Hi Borden, >>>>> On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 21:12:06 +0200 (CEST), Borden <borde...@tutanota.com> >>>>> said:
> A lot of it should be removed since it will just frustrate new users and lead to more traffic on -users as people ask why a squeeze (or earlier) tutorial doesn't work on their system. I'm also a friend of removing outdated stuff, especially if the content was not maintained since a long time (and changing http->https is not maintaining the content). I tried to to some cleanup in the wiki in the past, but I stopped it, because sometimes the discussions about keeping the article or not are frustrating. For e.g. I found this very strange page containing no special Debian information but only very general info. I wanted to remove it, then someone started to rewrite it and it took some months and a few mails before I could delete it. https://wiki.debian.org/WebDevelopment?action=info I would like to see more quality in the wiki articles. I don't think it's worth having articles about non Debian specific topics, because often you will find this infomration somewhere else in a much better quality. A lot of Debian developers look into the archlinux wiki for reasons. Do we need a page like this? https://wiki.debian.org/NFS If I want to know things about NFS (and I use NFS a lot), how to secure it or how to debug it, the Debian wiki pages are not a good source of information, they would never have helped me. It links to some very old NFS documentation, link to other outdated wiki.debian.org pages about NFS, talk about the user space kernel server (which does not exists any more).... This may be a good example for just remove most of the NFS infos in the Debian wiki, they are to general, outdated, and only cover some aspects of the topic. Other web pages already do this much better, and we do provide Debian specific NFS information in our wiki. I often hear we should keep old things for historical reasons. No. Very outdated wiki or web pages are not useful and they make our search results (on the wiki and on the web pages) to be very bad. I prefer removing old content but if we like to keep some of it, we should keep it on a special web domain, maybe historical.d.org. We should aks ourself how many people are interested in reading those old information? It it worth keeping them? Just a few examples https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/PowerPC/OldWorld https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf6Planning https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf6Soccer https://wiki.debian.org/Format https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/GUIToDo https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2009/LinuxTag https://wiki.debian.org/LinuxTag/DebianWomen Are these article worth keeping them? I'm sure we have hundreds or thousands of such articles. Sorry, if I ranted too much about old content. I try improve the quality of the web pages since a few years, but failed to work on the wiki because of too much content. I wish you luck doing some cleanup or updating articles. -- best regards Thomas