On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 12:57:42PM -0700, prasanna.aw...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Debian (debian.org),

Hi Prasanna,

Unfortunately, we almost certainly hold no personal data on you.
If you read the Debian mailing list guidelines at
 https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/ and the Debian mailing list
code of conduct on the same page and especially
https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/disclaimer you will find that 
Debian mailing lists are public.

We have no control over archives held elsewhere on the Internet by
Google or any other services: once things are out on the Internet
they are out there forever.

By raising this, then you have potentially raised your profile on
any given search engine - see also this useful Wikipedia article.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andrew Cater

[For and on behalf of the Debian Community Team]

> My name is Prasanna Awari, I've used your service in the past.
> However, I'm now making the conscious decision to reduce my digital
> footprint and as a result
> I ask you to please delete any personal data of mine you have stored on
> your systems.
> I have initiated this request myself and it was sent from my own personal
> inbox (see From address of this email).
> Would appreciate your cooperation and an email confirming when the deletion
> has been completed.
> My personal details are:
>    - Name: Prasanna Awari
>    - Email: prasanna.aw...@gmail.com
> Context: I received an email from your company on *2018 March 14* which
> indicates your systems hold my personal data.
> Companies: If you would like additional context and assistance to complete
> this request, please visit the secured Mine for Business Portal.
> Thanks,
> Prasanna Awari
> Powered by MineĀ®
> Mine Request: DNXZX7BI

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