On Tue, Feb 01, 2022 at 12:16:53PM -0800, mail.k...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Debian (debian.org),
> My name is Keno Westhoff, I've used your service in the past.
> However, I'm now making the conscious decision to reduce my digital
> footprint and as a result I ask you to please delete any personal data of
> mine you have stored on your systems.
> My personal details are:
>    - Name: Keno Westhoff
>    - Email: mail.k...@gmail.com
> I used Mine's technology to discover my data and send deletion requests
> from my own inbox (see from address).
> Would appreciate a confirmation once my data has been deleted from all your
> company's data sources.
> * Thanks, Keno Westhoff Powered by MineĀ® Mine Request: 3O4TSE75 *

Debian-www is the lsit for the Debian web pages and webmasters. Insofar
as I'm aware, your data is not held on our website. You have, however,
now recorded your data in our mailing lists.

May I refer you to part of the FAQ from the Debian user mailing list:

* One question that comes up on almost all Debian lists from time to time is 
  of the form: 
  "I have done something wrong / included personal details in an email.
   Could you please delete my name / details / remove the mail"
Practically, this is impossible: the mailing lists are archived, potentially 
cached by Google and so on. Unfortunately, there is nothing much we can do to 
ensure that all copies anywhere on the Internet are deleted. Asking to do this
may only serve to draw further attention - the so-called "Streisand effect" 

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater 

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