Dear Publishers! now proudly announce that we accept all category of Performing 
traffic from all Geo Since 2009.
So any body can Join us here.
after signup our auto robot will approve your Publisher application immediately.
So no need to wait for approval from admin.
Than you can login here for your Publisher account.
add your site than click on adunit.
create banner size adunit and click adunitcode.
Here you can get adcode for your sites.
You will get 10$ bonus after first day traffic.
We pay according to your traffic quality in CPM and CPC.
You will get live report so no need for wait 3 Hours for update report.
Now paying Weekly every Tuesday to all Publishers with no minimum 
but every new Publisher first payment on Net-30.
we are paying daily payment for more than 100$ balance on request.
So why wait for payment Net-30, Net-45, Net-60
This is golden chance for all of you to earn more money from your inventory 
with fast and secure way.

Regards, Support Team

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