Also when I find a fix for the bug, how do I send debian the solution?

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 12:43 PM KYLE LYON <> wrote:

> Wow, thanks! I will look into this wml website stuff, but mostly the apt
> c++, since I love it a lot! Thanks for the help! What is the signature.asc
> file and how do I use it?
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 9:09 PM Paul Wise <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2021-10-21 at 09:32 -0400, Kyle Lyon wrote:
>> > My name is Kyle.
>> Welcome to the Debian community Kyle :)
>> > I am looking to contribute to the Debian website and project.
>> There are lots of ways to contribute to Debian listed here:
>> > I know lots of web programming, which can make me useful to help the
>> > website.
>> The website is static HTML, that is produced from a language called WML
>> (which is basically HTML with some Perl mixed in). The WML is stored in
>> a git repository (called webwml) which is hosted on the Debian instance
>> (called Salsa) of the GitLab code hosting tool. You can submit changes
>> to the website through Salsa or by sending patches in bug reports.
>> There are many TODO items and open bug reports that can be useful to
>> find ways to contribute to the website. More details here:
>> > As for packages, I can code C++.
>> The apt package manager is written in C++, I expect helping out with
>> that would be appreciated.
>> If you know of software that is written in C++ and you want to have in
>> Debian, you could package it and propose it for inclusion in Debian.
>> The how-can-i-help tool can help find packages on your system that need
>> some kind of assistance.
>> The Debtags site can help find packages implemented in C++:
>> > No one can really vouch for me, because I don't know who to ask.
>> > I have used Debian Linux for the past 6 months, so I know how to use it
>> > well. Please consider letting me help the Debian Community!
>> In Debian and the wider Free Software and Open Source communities,
>> usually no permission is needed for a person to join the community
>> (apart from account approval for anti-spam purposes) and people and
>> their reputation do not need to be vouched for. Instead, others will
>> review and approve the work that you do and the changes you propose.
>> So people who have the interest and time just dive in and contribute.
>> --
>> bye,
>> pabs

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