Hello SZÉPE,

Someone who wants to revive an old computer using Debian (and does not
use another computer to download the iso) might need this reminder. I
have an old Pentium 4 computer bought in 2002. If it was 2 years older
it would have a Pentium III CPU and not be able to run Firefox due to
the lack of SSE2. Since 7% of the machines are i386 according to
popcon, many people turn to Debian to make their old computers shine
again :-) Users could be advanced enough to be fully aware of the
incapability of IE in this case though, and it will not cost much time
nowadays to download from the beginning after a failure, so I did not
say the warning should not be removed; I just provided a way to
rephrase it if it is kept anyway.


On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 5:01 PM SZÉPE Viktor <vik...@szepe.net> wrote:
> Idézem/Quoting Wenbin Lv <wenbin...@gmail.com>:
> > I agree. The box confused me when I translated this page. As far as I
> > know, IE6 to IE8 (on Windows XP) are the only browsers still in use
> > (maybe) that do not support resuming downloads.
> Hello Wenbin!
> Could you imagine someone with IE8 installing Debian??

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