On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 8:17 PM Albert Yeh wrote:

> I've browsed the debian webpage for... hours trying to find out what I can do 
> to assist.

The general overview of what options are available is here:


> A lot of this is overwhelming or very hard to decide on where to start.

The debian-mentors IRC channel and mailing list can provide more
specific suggestions, based on your interests outside Debian and
outside technology and the skills you have already or would like to
learn through contributing to Debian. Probably we need to explain that
on the help page. Others have explained how to contribute to the
website, would you like to make that your first contribution to
Debian? If you need help feel free to ask on this list, or the
#debian-www IRC channel.

> I tried helping with man-pages but a lot of it comes from the upstream 
> packages.

Helping add documentation to upstream projects is a great way to
contribute too, although each upstream project has a different way to



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