On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 12:14:54AM +0200, Yeshua Immanuel Ben David Hamachiach 
> Hello,
> i have a Raspberry Pi 4b 8gb...
> Give it a Debian Version compatible with 32/64bit Processors...

You can run either Debian 32 bit armhf software or arm64 64 bit software.
In practice, you'd probably run 64 bit software on a 64 bit processor on

> Can you build a Debian OS for all Raspberry Pi Processors 32 and 64 Bit
> version in one Operating System....

With some difficulty: in effect, it would be easier to limit everything to 
32 bits which is the common factor for all. Pi Zero won't run 64 bits. Some
Pi2 and all Pi3 and above will run 64 bits quite happily. Hardware for 
early Pis is _NOT_ compatible with the Debian armhf archive: Raspbian had
to be rebuilt.

> Can you build into OS a Emulation Software in Debian for emulation x86/amd64
> processors to open and install PC Programs x86/amd64 Processors on Raspberry
> Pi 4b ARM64 Processor

You can but it would be so slow as to be unusable. Debian builds the same
software for arm64 and amd64 (with a few small exceptions) so you could
run exactly the same software on both systems. Emulation always imposes a 
performance penalty - for a Pi 4b, this might be extreme.
> Can you buildĀ  into OS a VMWARE for install x86/amd64 Operating Systems on
> Raspberry Pi

Not straightforwardly: kvm/qemu can be used to emulate ARM systems on more
powerful AMD64 systems.

> Can you build a windows and Dos Emulation for start DOSĀ  and Windows
> Programs, Tools und Games on Linux with x86/amd64 Processor Emulation on
> Raspberry Pi ARM64.....

You can get Windows for ARM from Microsoft: it has been made to run on a
Raspberry Pi. Again, emulation is not really feasible and the two versions
of Windows cannot run each others programs.
> Best Regards
> Daniel Frank Nommensen
> 004917652063045
Better asked on debian-user but answers posted here so that they are
findable/searchable in the event of a similar query.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

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