Hi Mark

Le 11/04/2021 à 12:52, Mark Rolink a écrit :

I found a wrong date on your site:
https://www.debian.org/releases/stretch/ <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/44ff315b-7d81-4514-b32a-e849a4ee4...@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.debian.org%2Freleases%2Fstretch%2F&recipient=ZGViaWFuLXd3d0BsaXN0cy5kZWJpYW4ub3Jn> Iam dutch so i have the dutch version in from of me and there is a line about the LTS version:

*Stretch geniet echter van langetermijnondersteuning (Long Term Support - LTS) tot eind *_*juni 2020*_*. De LTS is beperkt tot i386, amd64, armel, armhf en arm64. Alle andere architecturen worden niet langer ondersteund in stretch. Raadpleeg voor meer informatie de **sectie over LTS op de Wiki van Debian <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/44ff315b-7d81-4514-b32a-e849a4ee4...@getmailspring.com/1?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.debian.org%2FLTS&recipient=ZGViaWFuLXd3d0BsaXN0cy5kZWJpYW4ub3Jn>**.*

I have underlined the wrong date. You can see that he support according to this info is for LTS until juni 2020 but on the link there is mentioned 2022. I think this needs to be corrected.

With kind regards,

*Mark Rolink*
E // mrol...@gmail.com <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/44ff315b-7d81-4514-b32a-e849a4ee4...@getmailspring.com/2?redirect=mailto%3Amrolink%40gmail.com&recipient=ZGViaWFuLXd3d0BsaXN0cy5kZWJpYW4ub3Jn>

Sent from Mailspring

It's fixed on webwml. The correction will appear at the next site build.


Jean-Pierre Giraud

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