On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 04:58:38PM +0100, Bartosz Machnik Sitte.pl wrote: > 1. Company name: > Advertising agency Sitte.pl, Lublin, Poland > 2. type of organization: company, commercial organization > 3. /url: https://sitte.pl/ > 4. Our company uses Debian on two dedicated servers and three VPSs. > These are used for commercial purposes, mainly to maintain hosting > for our clients' sites. Mainly it is Apache server (PHP + MySQL). A > few dedicated solutions. > The biggest advantage for us is the stability of the environment and > high compatibility with many public libraries.
I'm not seeing the typical HTTP Server response header for Debian: Server: Apache/[version] (Debian) ...but instead get a generic one for Apache: $ curl -sSL -D - https://sitte.pl/ -o /dev/null | grep "^Server: " Server: Apache Would you mind pointing us to a way to verify that you're using Debian? Thanks! Ryan N