Hi Hans,

El 6/1/21 a las 14:06, Hans Fredrik Nordhaug escribió:
> Hi!
> I notice that https://www.debian.org/intro/ seems to be the only page
> without footermap (except the frontpage). I assume this is because of
> MAINPAGE="true" in the template invocation - ref
> #use wml::debian::template title="[...]" MAINPAGE="true"

We currently use MAINPAGE="true" in /intro/index and also in

The intention was to keep these pages (and others that we'll review)
simple and with few links.

> I would like to change this. Any objections?

I think that what we need to do is:
* To review/reorganise the sitemap so it shows better the current state
of the website (sections and pages).
* Reduce the footer template so it includes much fewer links than now
(sitemap + maybe the main areas of the website).
* Review that all the pages display the "breadcrumbs" correctly (at
least, /intro/index and /intro/why_debian do not display it well).

I think that the user, then, will be able to navigate easily, whether
going back in the "tree" following breadcrumbs, going to the main page
and start from there, or going to the sitemap and then directly to the
desired page.

Note: this is my personal opinion, other team members may think differently.

Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina

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