Happy new year dear debian web team!

I took a look at the new webdesign for debian.org and was very impressed of 
the fresh design.

It looks great, but there is one point, I think, that IMHO should be improved.

Your big fat "Download"-Button is pointing to the netinst-iso, which clicking 
on it, will download it. I believe, this is not a good choice.

Please let me explain: 
Debian is downloadable for so many different hardware, that you should not 
just "force" people to download just a special installer version. 

Also you do not know, what hardware the user owns. 

As a user I would have expected, to see a choice of installers, and then gfive 
me the opportunity to choose the correct one.

Yes, there is another link pointing to this (named "More"), but I am sure no 
one will intuitivly click on this. IMO the Download button should point to 
where "More" is pointing at  at the moment, or better to a page, were all 
installer-Isos or architectures are shown.

Doing so you will get two advantages: The user does see and find all 
installers at once for all architectures with one click (and the "Download"-
button is the most important button on this site!), and second, all people who 
are just are nosy clicking around will see "Wow, debian is supporting so much 
hardware!" and let them make maybe want to know more.

Doing like at the moment and let people clicking the Download button and let 
them forcely download an image without any further information is IMO not a 
good way and let people likely chill people (these were my first impressions, 
when I saw your new site the fiorst time).

Maybe you agree with me and want to change some things, and if you do not 
agree, it will be ok for me. But it was important for me, to tell you my 
thoughts. Please don't mind.

Have a happy and safe new year!

Best wishes


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