Hi, Quoting [sebul]
"I received Tidy validation failed mail. At https://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2020/11/msg00047.html Paul Wise says I think this issue got fixed since then. But I don't think." I can confirm this. I also still receive those Validation failed mails from Debian Webmaster for dutch. https://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/tidy/nl reads: *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/mirror/list-full.nl.html line 102 column 43 - Error: <khc> is not recognized! line 102 column 43 - Warning: discarding unexpected <khc> line 1894 column 18 - Error: <khc> is not recognized! line 1894 column 18 - Warning: discarding unexpected <khc> *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/mirror/list.nl.html line 1396 column 34 - Error: <khc> is not recognized! line 1396 column 34 - Warning: discarding unexpected <khc> line 1396 column 26 - Warning: trimming empty <strong> line 1396 column 21 - Warning: trimming empty <big> *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/mirror/sponsors.nl.html line 1593 column 10 - Error: <khc> is not recognized! line 1593 column 10 - Warning: discarding unexpected <khc> The build log for the English website reports the same errors. -- Kind regards, Frans Spiesschaert