Hello Calum, Team

Do you think if we enforce some sort of tagging with commits might help 

For example, I use these tags to all of my projects


ex: [Refactor | Fix | Chore | Featur | Tests ] Ticket Number - Description

it's not much, but it helps some times...

Archit Warghane

From: Calum McConnell <calumlikesapple...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2020 10:24 AM
To: sebul <seb...@gmail.com>
Cc: Carsten Schoenert <c.schoen...@t-online.de>; debian-www 
Subject: Re: useful topics and commit messages within git commits on webwml 

I don’t think you understand the issue.
See, when you are making changes to the git repository, you at some point need 
to commit those changes and send them to other people.  Now, you are doing that 
just fine: but there is one minor issue.

When you commit something, it asks for a message.  Now the message could be 
anything: however, the way git is meant to be used treats those messages as 
little titles.  That way, if someone is browsing through the history, they can 
quickly guess what was done by your commit.  However,  you are apparently 
entering the message as “commit”.

It’s a bit like titling a file “Essay” or “Document3729”.  Yes, it’s valid;  
but if you are looking through later to find, say, that one file where you 
wrote down how you fixed the WiFi driver last time it died, you won’t have a 
great day.

What Carsten was asking was if you could enter a more descriptive message.  
Even if it was, say, “Korean translation fix” for every change, another 
developer would be able to guess what it was you changed without having to 
checkout the commit or know that you are the Korean Translation Coordinator.   
That makes their job much easier if they are, for instance,  looking through 
the history to find the change that broke a feature they use.  If they see 
“commit”, and no context, they will need to spend a few minutes investigating 
the commit: and that slows them down.

TL;DR: Entering a description of the change when git prompts you for a message 
helps your fellow developers out a lot.

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