
Dixit Laura Arjona Reina, le 04/11/2019 :

>We're planning to launch the new Debian homepage soon (this month of
>November) and continue reviewing and updating the Debian website.
Great job !
Sorry for being late for the review, but I don't follow -www
frequently. I have 2 question about the new index page.

1) Why don't use the dynamic list for News, as in the actual
(<:= get_recent_list('News/$(CUR_YEAR)', '6', '$(ENGLISHDIR)', '',
'\d+\w*' ) :>)
instead of a manually created one that will force translation to be
updated frequently and consistently?

2) We have a great Debian installer with a graphical interface. Can we
use it instead of (or as equal as) the Clamares installer in the

Thanks for your work on the Debian website.
(not -www subscribe)

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