Am 16.06.19 um 01:59 schrieb Bagas Sanjaya:
>>> Pros:
>>>   • You can assure that (almost) all visitors are legitimate (human), since
>>>     they must pass the challenge.
>> Why do you think that's a feature we care about?
> In fact, several websites (such as Capezio <>, ProMods Map 
> <>, and <>) have reCAPTCHA challenge 
> enabled. Those sites just want to make sure that all visitors are 
> humans. Feel free to visit those sites above for your consideration.

That is not really answering the question from Steve. At least I can see
no point that is in interest for Debian.

Of course Cloudflare has reasons why people should use their service. I
see just no real reason why Debian should do.

Have we a problem that users can't reach the Debian websites on www.d.o?

  Not as far I know.

Have we a problem that spammers post their stuff somewhere to www.d.o?

  Also not as it's basically a set of static HTML sites and some CGI
  based search services.

Have we to mind that SEO is a critical thing for Debian.

  I don't think so. Yes we can improve some things SEO related, but it's
  not bad as hell. And SEO is related how you organize the websites, not
  related to CDN.

>> Why on earth would we want to make it harder for people to read the
>> website?
> Because the website with reCAPTCHA challenge feature may violate "secure 
> it without overdoing it" principle, that is, their webmasters tighten 
> website security so much as to make their website harder to access.

This is not real problem for the Debian websites as they are really
informational and basically text only. We have no dynamical content we
need to protect somehow on www.d.o.

It makes no sense to use external services if there is no need to.

Carsten Schoenert

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