On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 7:21 AM anon notmyfault64 wrote:

> The vulnerability you mentioned is when contact form doesn't have proper spam 
> protection.
> they may have reCAPTCHA validation

The Debian website doesn't use dynamic content, doesn't use JavaScript
and doesn't pull in resources from third-party websites or services,
so reCAPTCHA is not feasible for us to use. In addition reCAPTCHA is
incredibly hard to pass even for a human, I haven't been able to
manage it recently. I would wager that it is not very accessible

> honeypot technique

Do you know how these work?

> BTW, will debian.org implement contact form? If won't, why?

If there is a volunteer who is willing and able to work on it, then it
might get worked on.

My personal opinion is that we should at minimum, drop debian-www from
the footer so we stop getting user support questions on the website
mailing list. Then the contact page could be streamlined and a form
designed to direct people to the correct contact points.



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