On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 05:32:30PM +0800, Boyuan Yang wrote:
>Pfannenstein Erik <debianign...@gmx.de> 于2018年6月15日周五 上午4:59写道:
>> Another thing I noticed is that the chapter on building the HTML files from
>> WML doesn't mention that one has to install wim and weblint first. It wasn't
>> hard to figure out (make was quite clear about it), but for the sake of
>> completeness it should be in the guide IMO. Proposal:
>> > <p>You can build HTML from WML. Install the packages <tt>wml</tt> and
>> > <tt>weblint</tt>, then run
>> > <kbd>make <var>file</var>.<var>&lt;lang&gt;</var>.html</kbd>.
>> > If that works, check if the syntax is fully valid with
>> > <kbd>weblint <var>file</var>.<var>&lt;lang&gt;</var>.html</kbd>.</p>
>It would be better if you could mention their corresponding Debian packages
>too since weblint is a virtual package now.

ACK. It would be good to mention them there. I've started adding a
list of things to the top-level README too, to make it easier for
people to see what they need after a checkout. Happy to just change
that to point to a canonical location in the docs. :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, A state of bliss

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