On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 01:37:25AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 12:05:17AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>Initial script attached.
After some more discussion on irc with pabs, I've tweaked the script
to use file hashes instead of commit hashes. It's a little slower, but
perfectly usable (~90s runtime on my laptop). Here's the new version,
to allow for comparison.

We'll still need to update the rest of our tools, but step 1 looks OK
I think. Bedtime for now... :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
  Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there
  must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the
  far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled
  knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer

# This script walks the webwml tree to look for translated files. It
# looks for the wml::debian::translation-check header to see if a file
# is a stranslation of an original, then checks for the revision
# status of the master document.
# Part of the effort to switch from CVS to Git
# Originally written 2018 by Steve McIntyre <93...@debian.org>
# © Copyright 2018 Software in the public interest, Inc.
# This program is released under the GNU General Public License, v2.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Find;
use lib ($0 =~ m|(.*)/|, $1 or ".") ."/Perl";
use Webwml::TransCheck;

my $help = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $dry_run = 0;
my $revs_file = "";
my %rev_map;

sub usage {
        print <<'EOT';
Usage: switch_to_git_translations.pl [options]
  --help         display this message
  --verbose      run verbosely
  --dry-run      do not modify translation-check headers
  --revisions=REVISIONS  location of the cvs2git revisions map file

Find all wml files under the current directory, updating revisions for

# log very verbose messages
sub vvlog {
    if ($verbose >= 2) {
	print STDOUT $_[0] . "\n";

# log verbose messages
sub vlog {
    if ($verbose >= 1) {
	print STDOUT $_[0] . "\n";

# Parse the revisions file for use, building a hash of the git and cvs versions for each file
sub parse_revisions
    my $revs_file = shift;
    open(IN, "<", "$revs_file") or die "Can't open revisions file \$revs_file\" for reading: $!\n";
    while (my $line = <IN>) {
	chomp $line;
	my ($file, $cvs_ver, $commit_hash);
	if ($line =~ m,^(\S+) ([.\d]+) ([[:xdigit:]]+)$,)
	    $file = $1;
	    $cvs_ver = $2;
	    $commit_hash = $3;
	    $rev_map{"$file"}{"$cvs_ver"}{"commit_hash"} = $commit_hash;
	} else {
	    die "Failed to parse revisions file at line $.\n";
	vvlog("Found file $file with CVS version $cvs_ver in commit hash $commit_hash");
    close IN;
    vlog("Parsed revisions file \"$revs_file\", found revisions for " . scalar(keys %rev_map) . " files");

# return a list of filenames with the given extension
sub find_files_ext
    my $dir = shift or die('Internal error: No dir specified');
    my $ext = shift or die('Internal error: No ext specified');

    my @files;
    find( sub { if (-f and m/\.$ext$/) { my $filename = $File::Find::name; $filename =~ s,\.\/,,; push @files, $filename }}, $dir );
    return @files;

# Update the translation-check metadata header in a wml file
sub update_wml_file_metadata
    my $file = shift;
    my $revision = shift;
    my $hash = shift;
    my $text = "";

    open (IN, "< $file") or die "Can't open $file for reading: $!\n";
    while (<IN>) {
	if (m/^#use wml::debian::translation-check/) {
	$text .= $_;
    open(OUT, "> $file") or die "Can't open $file for writing: $!\n";
    print OUT $text;
    close OUT;

# Parse a wml file, and see if there's a translation-check header. If
# so, use the rev_map data to switch the translation information from
# the cvs version to the git hash *if available*. If it's not
# available, report an error.
sub parse_wml_file
    my $file = shift;
    my $info = 0; # Do we have any translation header info at all?
    my $tc = Webwml::TransCheck->new("$file") or die "Failed transcheck: $!\n";
    vlog("Looking at wml file $file");
    my $target_lang = "english";
    my $maint = $tc->maintainer();
    if (defined($maint)) {
	vvlog("  Maintainer: $maint");
	$info += 1;
    my $revision = $tc->revision();
    if (defined($revision)) {
	vvlog("  Revision: $revision");
	$info += 1;
    my $original = $tc->original();
    if (defined($original)) {
	vvlog("  Original: $original");
	$info += 1;
	$target_lang = $original;
    my $mindelta = $tc->mindelta();
    if (defined($mindelta)) {
	vvlog("  Mindelta: $mindelta");
	$info += 1;
    my $maxdelta = $tc->maxdelta();
    if (defined($maxdelta)) {
	vvlog("  Maxdelta: $maxdelta");
	$info += 1;
    if ($info > 0) {
	my $targetfile = $file;
	$targetfile =~ s,^[^/]+,$target_lang,;
	vvlog("  Depends on $targetfile");
	if (defined($revision)) {
	    # Do we have a cvs->git map for that file and revision?
	    my $hash = $rev_map{"$targetfile"}{"$revision"}{"commit_hash"};
	    my $file_hash = $rev_map{"$targetfile"}{"$revision"}{"file_hash"};
	    if (defined $hash) {
		if (!defined $file_hash) {
		    $file_hash = `git ls-tree -r $hash $targetfile`;
		    if ($file_hash =~ m/^\s*\d+\s*blob\s+([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+\S+$/) {
			$file_hash = $1;
		    # Cache the result
		    $rev_map{"$targetfile"}{"$revision"}{"file_hash"} = $file_hash;
		vlog("  Depends on $targetfile with cvs rev $revision, commit hash $hash, file_hash $file_hash");
	    } else {
		vlog("  Looking up $targetfile with cvs rev $revision, no mapping found");
		return 1;
	    if (!$dry_run) {
		vlog ("  Updating the file data");

		update_wml_file_metadata($file, $revision, $file_hash);
	} else {
	    vlog("  But no revision data!");
	    return 1;

#    open(IN, "<", "$file") or die "Can't open file \$wml_file\" for reading: $!#\n";
#    while (my $line = <IN>) {
#	chomp $line;
#	if ($line =~ m/^#use wml::debian::translation-check/) {
#	    my $original="english"; # default
#	}
#    }

# "main"

if (not GetOptions ("help"      => \$help,
		    "verbose=i" => \$verbose,
		    "dry-run"   => \$dry_run,
		    "revisions=s" => \$revs_file))
        warn "Try `$0 --help' for more information.\n";

if ($help) {

if (! -f $revs_file) {
    die "Can't open revisions file, abort!\n";

my @wmlfiles = sort(find_files_ext(".", 'wml'));
vlog("Found " . scalar(@wmlfiles) . " files to work on\n");
for my $wml_file (@wmlfiles) {

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