Package: Dear all I have started to work in the scripts that we would need to convert from the CVS logic (centralized system, a CVS/ folder with the info of the files, version numbers) into a Git logic (decentralized system, commit hashes instead of version numbers).
Lev's approach of having a "database" of numeric, consecutive versions for each web file ( sounds difficult for me to understand and implement, so for now I'm not using it, just trying to think in commit hashes as revision numbers, and the own git tools to compare (most important is the diff content, not the _version_number_ of the revisions, I think. Translators just update manually the version_number right now, so I guess copy-pasting a git hash is not so pretty as writing a number, but could work in a similar way). Thanks to previous web team members, the current code is quite versioning-system-agnostic and it's very modular. So I've dared to try to do something non-nonsense: * in the Perl/Local folder I copied the existing and files into 2 new files, and * I've done some search and replace for the variables and comments (CVS -> git) * Inserted some "#FIXME" comments in the functions that I think need conversion * I've tried to convert some of the functions. Didn't test them, though. Since the website uses the and the files, and I didn't touch any file that calls them, I've committed my changes to the CVS repo. See the current status: OTOH, I have updated the webwml git repo to include the last commits and these files too, so they can be tested. If you can and want to help, please review my changes, checkout the git repo and test the different functions, or go on with the conversion in the rest of the functions. I'll try to come back to this before the end of the month. If you have changes to do on the Perl files that don't affect the current way of working with the website, please commit them in the CVS repo, and ping me if you need that I update the git repo afterwards. Other way is to work in the githashes branch of the git repo. I guess you need that branch to point to the current master HEAD first, and then do your changes. Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina