
El 03/11/17 a las 09:33, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz escribió:
> Hi Laura!
> Can you please mention that both powerpc and ppc64 (and even powerpcspe) are 
> available through Debian Ports?
> We are maintaining installer images for ports here:
> http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports

Sorry but I'm not sure how to handle that request. I'm not familiarized
with ports and Power PC architectures, and I see that:
- http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports does not list powerpc
- https://www.debian.org/ports does not list ppc64
- the powerpcspe entry in www.debian.org/ports leads to a wiki page
https://wiki.debian.org/PowerPCSPEPort, not a web page

> The same applies to alpha, hppa, m68k, sh4, sparc64 and x32.
> Note: We don’t have installation images for some of the architectures yet, 
> but that’s being worked on.

This makes me think about writing that info not in each particular
port's page, but maybe in the main www.debian.org/ports/index page,
right between "List of other ports" and the actual list?

In any case, I'm a bit clueless about the specific wording. My proposal
would be the attached diff (to the general ports page,

What do you think?


> Thanks,
> Adrian
>> On Nov 3, 2017, at 9:16 AM, Laura Arjona Reina <larj...@debian.org> wrote:
>> Hello
>>> El 01/11/17 a las 10:57, Jonathan Dowland escribió:
>>> I think the powerpc ports page needs some reworking for clarity. It
>>> currently states
>>>    "It first became an official release architecture with Debian
>>>    GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato) and has retained that status ever since."
>>> However the "PowerPC" architecture, which was the one introduced in 2.2,
>>> was dropped after Jessie, so the last supported version is Debian 8.9.
>>> The page goes on to link to some release notes[1] which reinforce this
>>>    "Debian 9 regrettably removes support for the following architecture:
>>>    PowerPC (powerpc)"
>>> Part of the confusion is the conflation of "powerpc" and "ppc64el",
>>> which are the relevant architecture code-names. The page does have a
>>> sub-heading for ppc64el specifically, but the structure implies that the
>>> first section ("Debian for PowerPC") is relevant to both.
>>> This may seem nit-picky but I was genuinely confused when trying to find
>>> out what the latest version supported for my 32 bit Power PC.
>>> P.S.: I'd make a suggested fix myself if the web sources were wiki pages
>>> or in git instead of CVS, but I don't have the time to deal with CVS
>>> right now, sorry.
>>> [1]
>>> https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/powerpc/release-notes/ch-whats-new.en.html#idm45867730651312
>> I'm attaching a diff to the /ports/powerpc/index.wml page that hopefully
>> helps to clarify. CC'ing the debian-powerpc mailing list for the case
>> they have comments, or they prefer to do themselves a complete rewrite
>> of the page ;-)
>> If there are no objections, I'll commit these changes in a week or so.
>> Best regards
>> -- 
>> Laura Arjona Reina
>> https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona
>> <index.wml.diff>

Laura Arjona Reina
Index: index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/ports/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.133
diff -u -r1.133 index.wml
--- index.wml	27 Jun 2017 21:59:55 -0000	1.133
+++ index.wml	3 Nov 2017 09:19:04 -0000
@@ -140,6 +140,14 @@
 <toc-add-entry name="portlist-other">List of other ports</toc-add-entry>
 <br />
+<div class="tip">
+ There are non-official installation images available for some of the following ports in
+ <a href="http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports";>http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports</a>.
+ Those images are maintained by the corresponding Debian Port Teams.
 <table class="tabular" summary="">

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