Mittelschule, Montessoriverein Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Private school
We are using Debian for four years now, on all of our servers, desktops
and laptops. These are around fifty devices, used day by day by our
Our main educational goal, of course, is to show the students, what a
community of freely connected volunteers is able to do. Secondly, they
shall learn to deal with an alternative usability concept which is at
least as easy to deal with as commercial standards. So we have Gnome on
all of our clients. And last but not least we use Debian because of its
On our servers, OpenLDAP is running for the administration of devices
and users. A central part of the organisation of everyday learning is
our internal website. And, up to now, the network is organised by Samba,
to ensure seamless collaboration with another department.