
El 09/02/17 a las 09:38, victory escribió:

> it is not very clear because it is creep into string;
> to make clear that particular phrase is different from the rest,
> you can add new lines instead, such as:
> <p>If you are uncertain as to whether you are subscribed to a mailing
> list of ours, send mail to <email majord...@lists.debian.org> with</p>
> <p><kbd>which <var>your.email@address</var></kbd></p>
> <p>in the body. Further
> information about this service (the so-called <q><a
> href="http://www.infodrom.org/projects/majorsmart/";>MajorSmart</a></q>) is
> available by sending another mail to the same address with
> <kbd>help</kbd> in the body.</p>

Thanks for the suggestion. I've committed it and it will be online in
the next hours.


Laura Arjona Reina

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