My gut feeling is the Derivatives page should be the page that lists
distros derived from or "children" of Debian. Creating a new page is just
more effort when the hard word has been done already.

On 2 February 2017 at 19:21, Stéphane Blondon <>

> Hello everyone,
> we (debian-www) are working on a new page about Debian derivatives for
> www.d.o.
> Currently, the page
> provides a list of derivatives but it's not maintained. The wiki
> provides a list too ( It's
> planned to remove children-distros page and use a new page to show
> informations about derivatives: you can read a draft at
> There were previous discussions about it like:
> In your opinion, what should we add/modify to improve this derivatives
> page?
> Note: This message is cross-posted because we need several points of
> view at the same time.
> Cheers,
> Stéphane

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