Hello Nikos,

thank you for your interest in Debian and your report.

Le 29/01/2017 à 15:55, nikos zmpr a écrit :
> Dear debian website team,
> I have found that when clicking to "security page" link, at the
> debian.org homepage ( For older security advisories see the Security
> Page <https://www.debian.org/security/>.), I was presented by a 403
> forbiddenerror message (You don't have permission to access /security/
> on this server.Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be
> safe).

I tried and I get the right page on https://www.debian.org/security/
(same result on https://www.debian.org/security/index.en.html). Did I
misunderstood the URL with 403 error?

If it's the first link, perhaps there is a problem on the page only with
your langage preference. In this case, what are the langage preferences
in you browser (in order to fix it)?


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