1. Name of organization : Permanence Ostéopathique de la Gare, Lausanne, Switzerland 2. Medical organization 3. www.pog.swiss 4. Description : * Osteopathical Center with 16 employees. One Debian server with 10 workstations (terminal clients) and two printers. We use Icedove with lightning extension for our mails and calendars, a homemade GPL python/tk script for our medical needs. We have chosen Debian for its stability, security and ease of maintenance. We like Debian as it is totally free and open-source, compared to other debian-based versions. Thanks to all the Debian developpers !
-- Tibor Csernay Permanence Ostéopathique de la Gare Sàrl Place de la Gare 10 CH-1003 Lausanne 021 510 50 50 http://pog.swiss