Hello Tamas Pal

El 3 de enero de 2017 10:00:56 CET, Tamas Pal <tamaspa...@gmail.com> escribió:
>Hello Sir/Madam,
>                       I am Tamas Pal from India. I am a Debian Stretch
>User.I would like to inform you that the debian mirror "http://
>debianmirror.nkn.in"  is not working. Please do something to fix this.

I see you already sent the message to the debian-mirror mailing list.

Meanwhile you get an answer (or the problem is solved) you may want to pick a 
different mirror near you (see  http://www.debian.org/mirror/list ) or use one 
of our redirectors services ( httpredir.debian.org or deb.debian.org ).

Best regards

Laura Arjona Reina

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