[Dropping debian-users since that's too broad a forum for this converation.]

Hi Sherwin,

Since I'm a member of the Debian System Administration Team, I was able to
confirm that bo...@debian.org doesn't reach a human, which is unfortunate.

I'm also a member of the Debian Partners Team and we'll respond to your
request, shortly, now that we are aware of it.

I'll check on the bo...@debian.org address and request it be fixed or replaed
with partn...@debian.org.

This reply is to let you know that we've received your email, finally!

Thank you for your persistence and we'll reply in a day or two,


On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 12:58:09PM +0100, Partners wrote:
> Hi Team, 
> I've tried to email bo...@debian.org to feature 2 books but haven't received 
> a reply. Could you please direct me to the right contact. 
> Thanks in advance. 
> Regards 
> Sherwin 
>               Sherwin Silveira 
> Key Partner Executive 
> Skype: packt.sherwins 
>                               www.packtpub.com 
> Packt Publishing Private Limited. Registered Address: Plot No. 103, Arena 
> House, 3rd Floor, Road No.12, Opp. Goldfinch Hotel, MIDC, Andheri East, 
> Mumbai 400093. CIN:U22100MH2005PTC152766 
> This E-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are 
> not the addressee you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. 
> If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies 
> from your system and notify the sender immediately by return E-mail. Whilst 
> Packt Publishing Ltd take every reasonable precaution to avoid the transfer 
> of software viruses or defects that may cause damage to computer systems; it 
> is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that all emails and 
> attachments received are free from infection. 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Partners" <partn...@packtpub.com> 
> To: bo...@debian.org 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 11:52:00 AM 
> Subject: Re: Book feature on debian.org 
> Hi, 
> Just following up to see if you have received my previous email. 
> Awaiting your reply. 
> Thanks & Regards 
> Sherwin 
> Sherwin Silveira 
> Key Partner Executive 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Partners" <partn...@packtpub.com> 
> To: bo...@debian.org 
> Sent: Friday, July 1, 2016 4:07:46 PM 
> Subject: Re: Book feature on debian.org 
> Hi, 
> I was just wondering if you got a chance to see my previous email. 
> Do get back to me as soon as you can. 
> Regards 
> Sherwin 
> Sherwin Silveira 
> Key Partner Executive 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Partners" <partn...@packtpub.com> 
> To: bo...@debian.org 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 11:19:26 AM 
> Subject: Book feature on debian.org 
> Hi, 
> I work with Packt Publishing and would love to feature 2 of the below 
> mentioned books on your website . 
>     * Book Title: Debian 7: System Administration Best Practices Author: Rich 
> Pinkall Pollei Publisher: Packt Publishing Language: English URL: 
> https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/debian-7-system-administration-best-practices
>  Email Address: partn...@packtpub.com Description: Debian 7: System 
> Administration Best Practices provides valuable background information, tips, 
> and advice on the major areas of installing, maintaining, and administering 
> Debian Linux, from single systems to clusters. Learn what makes Debian the 
> most stable and popular Linux distribution for Internet sites. 
>     * 
> Book Title: Instant Debian – Build a Web Server Author: Jose Miguel Parrella 
> Publisher: Packt Publishing Language: English URL: 
> https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/instant-debian-%E2%80%93-build-web-server-instant#
>  Email Address: partn...@packtpub.com Description: Debian: Build a Web Server 
> will help you effectively setup and deploy a Debian-based Web server with 
> strong foundations for the future of your Web application. It teaches 
> concepts such as library and framework availability and suitability under the 
> APT system, how to read and process logs and events and how to respond to 
> security incidents. Additionally it also covers planning and executing a 
> backup and restore strategy and how to deploy clusters and proxies. 
> Do let me know if you need any more information. 
> Thanks & Regards 
> Sherwin 
> Sherwin Silveira 
> Key Partner Executive 

Luca Filipozzi

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