Dear Sir or Madam, this message is made short (especially because the current state regarding quality and correctness of my usage of the English language has been unproven for many years).
Because of this I beg Your pardon, but hopefully You will be able to get the message correctly. Your website '' has been visited from a German location. Visiting '' to read the manual, that is in German translation titled 'Das Debian Administrationshandbuch', there has been some seemingly broken links identified. The seemingly broken links of the contents are '6.6. Von einer Stable Distribution auf die nächste aktualisieren'/'', '6.6.1. Empfohlene Vorgehensweise'/'', and '6.6.2. Problembehandlung nach einer Aktualisierung'/''. A similiar problem is occurring also regarding the links refering to '6.6.' from '6.5.' while visiting '6.5.' and the links refering to '6.6.2.' from '6.7.' while visiting '6.7.'. Maybe this mail is not written and send to You in vain, because You find yourself able to understand this mail, that was written in the best interest und empowered with the best will to actually communicate something to You to make it understandable for You. If not and if You are still not able to understand this text because You might find it to cryptic, I do write a phrase for a second time, because I am quite certain and convinced, that this it might be definitely correct and understandable, hoping to meat Your understanding and hoping to soothe You: I beg Your pardon! Sorry! I am sorry! To assure You of the sincerity of the whole mail, I also might write, that I am not joking at all. I do hope, that this might be of some kind of help to You. Best regards Mirko Kaltschmidt