Hello! debian-l10n-russian mailing list receives the forwarded message (see below) since the end of April. The last change in russian/devel/people.wml was done on 30th June 2011. It includes english/devel/people.names, which, as I understand, is generated automatically. So I guess that there's some error in the process of people.names generation or clash between some features of Russian l10n and the process.
Could someone check and correct it, please? Cheers! Lev Lamberov ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Debian Webmaster <webmas...@debian.org> Date: 2015-05-11 20:27 GMT+05:00 Subject: Validation failed To: Yuri Kozlov <debian-l10n-russ...@lists.debian.org> *** Errors validating /srv/www.debian.org/www/devel/people.ru.html: *** Line 425, character 240: character "@" not allowed in attribute specification list Line 425, character 240: element "PKG-GNOME-MAINTAINERS" undefined Line 425, character 296: character "@" not allowed in attribute specification list Line 425, character 296: element "POCHU" undefined Line 425, character 333: end tag for "POCHU" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this Line 425, character 333: end tag for "PKG-GNOME-MAINTAINERS" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this -- You received this mail for the language code ru. Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not accurate Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new coordinator(s) data -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-l10n-russian-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: https://lists.debian.org/e1yrpbm-0004lq...@wolkenstein.debian.org