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Shellrent Srl, Vicenza, Italy Link: www.shellrent.com We are a web hosting and domain registration company based in Vicenza, Italy. We have choose Debian for all our hosting infrastructure system. We deploy Debian templates for all our virtual server for our costumers because there are easy to manage and quick to update. After that Debian is very fast to install and all our technical staff can fix security problems very quickly and easily. All the developers and system administrator that work in our company use Debian as desktop environment too for developing and managing the IT infrastructure. Nicola Vianelli Business & Commercial Direction | Shellrent Office: +39 0444 321155 | Fax: +39 0444 526603 Shellrent.com - All ways Hosting - Via dell'Edilizia, 19 - Vicenza (VI) 36100 - IT