Package: Severity: wishlist Tags: patch note that plain sort just works at least for Japanese, and perhaps other langs, too only sort: Deutschland -> Da?nemark > El Salvador nfkd enabled: Da?nemark > Deutschland -> El Salvador
here, you want in the sort, to normalize accented characters for European langs so it seems to be needed for as normalize currently, Unicode::Normalize::NFKD breaks Japanese order (it breaks only sort order as it doesn't change actual output) [story] as the author of Unicode::Normalize::NFKD is a Japanese, it should not break Japanese if use it correctly I did the test where the bug come from, in the process of bug 706325, tried to print the converted string, and received errors to say wide character this tells that NFKD is changing flag-less utf8-bytes then the fix will be to make the input flag'ed string in this case adding 'use encoding "utf8";' does the that [/story] unfortunately the patch cannot apply to countries.wml which actuary does isoquery as doing it breaks other templates like header, so the patch changes common_tags.wml this means: the change will trigger most full rebuild :( -- victory 0.0.1 0.0.1
Index: english/template/debian/common_tags.wml =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/template/debian/common_tags.wml,v retrieving revision 1.10 diff -u -r1.10 common_tags.wml --- english/template/debian/common_tags.wml 28 Aug 2005 22:09:58 -0000 1.10 +++ english/template/debian/common_tags.wml 26 Apr 2013 05:59:42 -0000 @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +<: use encoding "utf8"; :> <define-tag hrline><hr /></define-tag> <define-tag hrlinehidden><hr class ="hidecss" /></define-tag>